Just Vibes

I’m sitting at the desk in my bedroom that faces the window, and I’m just looking outside at the trees. It’s cloudy and looks like rain, even though it’s not supposed to rain today. Two drinks are sitting to my left: one with homemade cold brew, and the mug contains an “in house” matcha latte sweetened with maple syrup. I made it a little sweeter than I like, but it’ll do.

I’ve had a raging headache since Thursday or Friday. I’ve still been working and managing as best as I can. I feel 100% better today, but I still wonder why I had a headache for so long, especially since I don’t normally have headaches. My first thought was allergies since I felt it on one side of my head.

My other thought was stress. The headache did move from one side of my head straight to the top of it and between the eyes. I’m not ruling that factor out completely; I’ve had a lot on my plate the past couple of months.

I worked 6 days out of 7 for three weeks straight because I switched days with someone. I’ve also been getting ready to perform in Godspell (we had our first rehearsal on Thursday), am stressing about facilitator’s training because my homework is to facilitate a one hour workshop before our next weekend together in 2 weeks, and am working to get my poop in a group so that I can transition into a major life change that I can’t talk about just yet.

Plus, because I’m me, I added a couple of side quests, which I will talk about in a different post. All of this is in addition to working my normal 9 to 5, and all of the life stuff that I have to do. It’s getting challenging to remember everything.

Yes, I did this to myself. It’s all things that I want to do, but it’s a hell of a lot. So I treasure moments like this, where I can sip on a drink and look at the outside. I watch and listen to the leaves on the trees rustle with the breeze, and allow the experience to wash over me. While I’m not outside at this moment, I do plan to be outside later.

These restful moments keep me going. I don’t get as many as I like. Perhaps that means I need to make more time to schedule them in. The things will get done, but I must always remind myself that being is just as important as doing. Resting is just as important as getting the things done… maybe even more important.

I hope your weekend has been restful and wonderful. I hope you can schedule in time this week to take a full stop, enjoy your coffee and just be.

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